New Organisational Structure

Kollestee UK Global

In May 2023, in the United Kingdom, Kollestee UK Global launched a new organisational structure aimed at helping its Global Businesses navigate to Sustainable Growth, Faster Innovation and a Profitable Future.

Kollestee UK Global has moved to an Operating Model comprising nine Business Groups:

These are Kollestee UK Global’s own Pioneer Organisations. The model has been designed to deliver Kollestee UK Global’s Pioneer Strategies and navigate its Purpose-Led, Future-Fit Companies to be the Global Leaders in Sustainable, Reliable and Repeatable Businesses.

Kollestee UK Global's Business Groups

Innovation Focused Groups!

Organisational Flow


Kollestee UK Researches discovers the new knowledge and data in different topics of science in order to be used in the new inventions to be executed by Kollestee UK Technology and Kollestee UK Innovation.

Kollestee UK Technology invents and develops new technologies by using the newly discovered knowledge and data according to exact needs of the innovations.

Kollestee UK Innovations develops new solutions and creates Breakthrough & Groundbreaking innovations according to the exact needs and expectations of the markets by using the newly invented and developed technologies.

Kollestee UK Medical introduces medical innovations into the market and executes them globally as a Game Changer.

Kollestee UK Agri-Tech introduces agri-tech innovations into the market and executes them globally as Game Changer.

Kollestee UK Nutrition introduces innovations in nutrition into the market and executes them globally as Game Changer.

Kollestee UK Venture builds new enterprises with new technologies for the new market needs, expectations and opportunities.

Kollestee UK Finance provides financial solutions for executed researches, technology development studies and breakthrough innovations.

Kollestee UK Studios produces Advertisement Movies, 3D Animations and Simulations for the innovative solutions introduced into the global markets.

Innovations at Every Stage of the Life!..